Abstract Submission: The 28th Annual BOPA Conference in 2025


Submission opens 31st March 2025


Delegates are invited to present results of their clinical and technical work as a poster with some selected as an oral presentation. The author/s should submit via the BOPA website by midnight on Monday 23rd June. Abstracts will be reviewed and marked by the BOPA Research Sub-Committee, and chosen authors will be invited to display their poster for the duration of the conference, with the posters achieving high scores selected for oral presentation.


Selected abstracts will be published in a supplement to the Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (JOPP), providing authors with a citation in a peer reviewed journal.


Click here for Call for Abstracts printable PDF

Click here for Abstract Marking Scheme as printable PDF 

Click here to SUBMIT your abstract


Abstract guidelines:

Length of abstract:
You will be allowed a maximum of 500 words, excluding references, in the abstract boxes. The abstract can contain a maximum of 1 table or figure. It is suggested that the abstract is prepared in Word first and a word count performed as the electronic submission software will not accept more than 500 words.

Format of abstract:
An abstract should start with an introduction to the background of the investigation and a clear statement of the aims/objectives of the work. A statement of the methods used should follow including, for example,  numbers of subjects in the study and means of collection of data. Results should be clearly stated with, if appropriate, statistical support. The abstract should end with a discussion/conclusion. In general, the abstract should be informative and contain as much detail as possible. Note that references should be in Vancouver style. A maximum of 5 references will be allowed.


Submission process

1. Please submit your abstract online by going to https://www.bopaabstracts.com. Details of how to register and submit an abstract are provided on the website and key aspects are summarised below.

2. When you first log in you must register as a new user

3. Once you have registered, select “New Abstract”. You will then be asked to provide the following:

• Primary author name, email and affiliation details (place of work)
• Co-authors name(s), email and affiliation details
• Presentation preference
• Abstract category (topic)
• Abstract title
• Abstract body (maximum of 500 words) broken down into 4 sections: introduction/objectives, methods, results and discussion/conclusions
• Statement if your abstract has been presented or submitted for prior presentation elsewhere
• Confirmation that all appropriate permissions/ approvals have been granted to conduct the work and present the data, including ethical approval as appropriate
• If a figure is to be included, please upload as a separate attachment
• If a table is to be included, please use the “insert table” function

4. Abstracts which do not meet the above requirements or are deemed not to be of an acceptable overall standard will not be accepted. The deadline for receipt by BOPA of completed abstracts is midnight on Monday 23rd June 2025. The Committee reserves the right to restrict acceptance of abstracts describing work carried out primarily in, or by members working in, the pharmaceutical industry.

5. The Committee reserves the right to reject any submission which is deemed not to meet the specified criteria or to be in any way incompatible with the overall objectives of BOPA and/or the meeting itself. All authors will receive an automated acknowledgement confirming receipt of abstract and will be informed by Monday 6th September whether or not their abstract has been accepted for presentation as a poster. If a notification is not received, please contact [email protected] otherwise you risk your entry not being accepted for inclusion in the conference programme. Submissions chosen for an oral presentation will be informed by Monday 18th August (names and presentation titles will appear on the conference app). All successful entrants will be eligible for the early bird conference discount.


Judging of best abstracts
Anonymised abstracts will be judged by the BOPA Research Sub-Committee. Judges will declare conflicts of interest for each judged abstract. Judges declaring a conflict of interest may not vote on the abstract identified. Abstracts will be judged by the following criteria:
• Clarity of aims and/or objectives, (SMART). Be concise and clear when stating your objectives – these should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time specific (SMART)
• Methods should be valid for the type of study being undertaken. Ensure that the method used will allow you to meet your objectives
• Results/outcomes/discussion. Results must be clearly presented and outlined, discussion and conclusion should be justified (i.e. match the results presented) and considered critically (e.g. limitations)
• Applicability to practice. Is your work of interest to other BOPA members – is it something they might be able to replicate locally to benefit their own practice? What real benefits were seen for patients? Can other BOPA members use your results and conclusions to benefit patients in their own practice?
• Does the work add to the existing evidence, originality? The panel are looking for original work which increases knowledge in the chosen area. Try to avoid mandatory or local audits or repeating similar work presented from other centres.

Marks will be weighted in each category.  See Abstract Marking Scheme as printable PDF for details.



• 1st Prize Oral Plenary: £1500 (to attend an international conference or pay towards research funding including open access publishing fees).
• 2nd Prize Oral Plenary: £500.

• All Oral Plenary presenters: free registration for BOPA 2026.
• All “Highly Recommended” presenters: free BOPA membership for 2026.
• The three best poster winners: free BOPA membership for 2026.

Points to note:

  1. Abstracts should relate to the authors’ own work, and it is a condition of acceptance that at least one of the authors attends the meeting as a registered delegate. If there is not a registered author in attendance at the conference, the poster will not be accepted
  2. The abstract should relate to original work in oncology pharmacy and should be a report of a completed piece of work (this includes completed pilot studies).
  3. The work presented should be specific and unambiguous and the author/s should ensure that reliance can be placed on the precision of their data by, if appropriate, the use of statistical methods. The introduction should be used to put the content of the presentation into context with current thinking, the relevant literature etc.
  4. The BOPA research committee are happy to provide advice to anyone planning an audit or research project that they may want to submit, please contact [email protected]
  5. If the work has been presented or submitted for prior presentation elsewhere, this should be made clear in the submission and the judging panel reserves the right to accept or reject any such submission. If previously presented or published elsewhere and the judging panel are not notified, then the submission will be withdrawn regardless of any previous decision to accept the submission.
  6. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that all appropriate permission/ approval has been granted to present the data, including ethical approval as appropriate. A statement that this has been gained should be included. All accepted abstracts will be published in the JOPP supplement and submission of an abstract will be taken as consent for publication


Service Improvement and New Models of Care

For the 2025 BOPA conference, the research stream will include an opportunity to share service improvement and new models of care (without evaluation) . If you would be interested in presenting a service improvement that you have been involved with or led on where you haven’t yet evaluated it, please write an expression of interest (max 300 words) explaining the improvement and why it is important to share it with BOPA attendees. Please submit to [email protected] by midnight on Monday 23rd June 2025.

Click here for Call for Abstracts printable PDF

Click here for Abstract Marking Scheme as printable PDF


Click here to SUBMIT your abstract