BOPA Representation at external committees, groups and boards
This page details which BOPA members represent the organisation at external meetings, committee and groups. If you wish to contact someone please try though the membership messaging system, search on Members List under forums then internal message, or use the contact us form on the website.
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UK Pharmacy Professional Leadership Advisory Board (UKPPLAB)
First Name: Joseph
Surname: Williams
Job Title: BOPA Chair / Education and Training Lead Pharmacist at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
UKASCC (UK Association of Supportive Care in Cancer)
First Name: Joanne
Surname: Collins
Job Title: Lead supportive care pharmacist
UK Acute Oncology Society
First Name: Joseph
Surname: Williams
Job Title: BOPA Chair / Education and Training Lead Pharmacist at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
NHS Infusions and Special Medicines Board
First Name: Emma
Surname: Foreman
Job Title: Consultant Pharmacist
SACT consent form National Steering Group
First Name: Emma
Surname: Foreman
Job Title: Consultant Pharmacist
First Name: Netty
Surname: Cracknell
Job Title: Lead Cancer Pharmacist
First Name: Joseph
Surname: Williams
Job Title: BOPA Chair / Education and Training Lead Pharmacist at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust