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CAPhO Oncology Fundamentals Day 2024


Start date: 02/11/24

Start time: 10:00am

End date: 02/11/24

End time: 18:30pm

CAPhO Oncology Fundamentals Day 2024: Saturday, November 2, 2024, 10:00 – 18:30 EDT

Are you a pharmacist or pharmacy technician NEW TO ONCOLOGY PRACTICE? Are you a pharmacy STUDENT or RESIDENT with an interest in oncology? Are you interested in FOUNDATIONAL oncology education? 


If you answered YES to any of these questions…


Plan to attend the CAPhO Oncology Fundamentals Day, taking place on Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 10:00 – 18:30 EDT as a one day ONLINE learning event. Register by Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to save!


The Oncology Fundamentals Day will feature CCCEP accredited sessions, streamed online so you can attend the event live from wherever you are. The program features the following topics:

  • Navigating Difficult Conversations with Patients
  • BPMH in Ambulatory Oncology Pharmacy Practice
  • Overview of Breast Cancer
  • Drug Interactions with Immunotherapy
  • Diagnostic Tests in the Management of Cancer
  • Overview of CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia)
  • Overview of Managing Sexual Health in Cancer

Not a member of CAPhO? You are welcome to attend this professional development opportunity at the non-member rate. Alternatively, join CAPhO now to register at a lower cost, stay informed, and access additional educational resources to advance your oncology competence.


Encourage your colleagues and staff to take advantage of this great learning opportunity and take a moment to print copies of the promotional poster and post them within your pharmacy department or clinic offices. Also, feel free to circulate any email announcements and social media posts to your professional network via email, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. 


For more information about #OFD24 and to register visit https://www.capho.org/ofd-2024-0 or contact [email protected].


Name: Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO)

Virtual – Online