Invitation to take part in MPharm final year project – The perceptions and knowledge of oncology/haematology pharmacy practitioner’s on assisted dying
Dear BOPA member,
You are being invited to take part in an MPharm final year project. The primary aim of this study is to understand the perceptions and knowledge of oncology/haematology pharmacy practitioner’s on assisted dying.
If you consent to take part, then you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of three sections, with a total duration of approximately 10 minutes. The first section consists of thirteen statements/questions that you will be asked to rate your agreement to. Section 2 compromises of four case studies and section 3 will be gathering demographics. Responses will be anonymised before analysis so that it will not be possible to identify you or any other participant.
The link for the survey is provided:
At BOPA, one of our aims is to promote and encourage oncology pharmacy practice research, so we hope you consider taking part in this interesting project.
Thank you.
Remeesha Razak (MPharm Student) and the BOPA Audit and Research Sub-committee