The Paediatric Oncology Pharmacist group (POP) is a specialist interest group of NPPG (Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group) whose members specialise in the care of children and young people with cancer.
The POP group was formed in 1996 with an aim to improve the care of children and young people with cancer by advancing the personal development of pharmacists and the provision of services in relation to practice, research and audit, education and training and communication and advice.
The group hold educational study days throughout the year. BOPA members are encouraged to attend study days and can join POP for a preferential rate. Further details can be obtained from the POP chair Vicky Holden.
International Groups
There are several international pharmacy oncology groups working towards improving patient care and supporting pharmacists within oncology.
There are several affiliated groups with BOPA. The groups and BOPA work together jointly to promote excellence in the pharmaceutical care of patients with cancer through education, communication, research or innovation.
There are several subcommittees & working groups that report directly to the Executive Committee each month. These subcommittees & working groups support the executive committee and keep the organisation at the forefront of care.
The Executive Committee work on behalf of the BOPA members to prioritise and co-ordinate the many activities and workstreams required to achieve our goals
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