My Research Webinar – Tips for a successful submission for BOPA-PRUK grant opportunity
Wednesday 29th March 2023 1-2pm BST
Register for the Session HERE:
We would like to invite you to join our ‘My Research’ sessions. These sessions are delivered by members that have undertaken an audit or evaluation. They will spend time describing their career pathway and discuss the research methods that they used. There will be time for detailed questions following the talk. These sessions will enable members to learn about quantitative and qualitative methods and the learning may guide and help you in your future projects. We also hope that this will be a good opportunity to learn about different career pathways in cancer pharmacy.
The session will be delivered by: Dr Melanie Dalby, Programme Manager – Improvement & Transformation, Barts Health NHS Trust
BOPA and PRUK have been partnering since 2016 to provide the BOPA-PRUK Research Award. The award provides funding for pharmacy professionals to undertake a research project. Melanie Dalby has been leading on the award process on behalf of BOPA since 2019 with the support of other colleagues. She will be presenting her tips and experiences of the application process to support you with your future research endeavours.
Melanie has worked in oncology and haematology since 2011. Seven of these years have been at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Previously she has worked at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the Princess Royal University Hospital. She completed a Darzi Fellowship (a bespoke leadership programme) in 2017 looking at how community pharmacists can support patients who take oral anticancer therapy. She carried out this work using research methodology and published her work in peer reviewed journals. She was awarded her PhD in 2022. The thesis was titled ‘Optimising the Cancer Patient Journey.’ Currently she works as a programme manager in the improvement and transformation team at Barts Health NHS Trust.
The session will be chaired by: Research Subcommittee
Please Note:
-Webinars will start at 13:00 BST and will last about 30 minutes to 1 hour
-The Zoom link for the webinar will be sent on the day of the event around 12:00pm (if you would like the link before this time please email [email protected])
-Webinars are FREE to access for BOPA Paid Members and BOPA FREE Associates
-Webinars will be recorded and appear in the BOPA eLearning section of the website via this LINK
BOPA Research Subcommittee