UK Myeloma Society – Bursary Opportunity
Dear BOPA members,
The BOPA Research Subcommittee would like to share with members the following bursary opportunity.
The UK Myeloma Society is pleased to announce that 2 travel grants of up to £900 each are available to scientists, clinicians, nurses and pharmacists who wish to attend the EHA Congress on 13-16 June 2026 in Madrid.
How to apply?
Please click here to download information for the entry criteria and how to apply. This information can also be found by following the link to our website.
• Entrants must be a member of the UKMS. This is free and easy to do.
• Applicants must be either the first or last author. Or, if neither, please specifically state your substantial contribution to this work to justify the bursary.
• Applicants will be asked to indicate whether they would attend virtually or in person and the amount awarded will reflect this.
• Those who have been awarded a UKMS (formally UKMF) travel bursary in the last 2 years are not eligible to apply.
If you have any queries, or are unable to download the information sheet, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].
To be considered for a UKMS travel bursary, the deadline to submit an abstract will be 5pm on Friday 1 March 2024. Winners to be announced by the end of March 2024.
Thank you to the UKMS Premium sponsors, Menarini Stemline and Sanofi for supporting a joint UKMS bursary. We are also thankful to the trustees of the Michael Morley Fund for their continued support.
Kind regards,
BOPA Research subcommittee
on behalf of
The UK Myeloma Society